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1 |
 | 1889 City Directory: Lowell, Massachusetts Lowell, Massachusetts
2 |
 | 1890 City Directory: Lowell, Massachusetts Lowell, Massachusetts
3 |
 | 1892 City Directory: Lowell, Massachusetts Lowell, Massachusetts
4 |
 | Air Force Casualties The Ottawa Journal
Ottawa, Ontario
Page 17
5 |
 | Air Force Casualties The Ottawa Journal
Ottawa, Ontario
Page 19
6 |
 | Allen - Hazelwood ALLEN — HAZELWOOD
Mattawa Nov 28 — (Special) — A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Allen of Papineau township when Rev. T. A. Watson, of Mattawa, united in marriage Lillian Hazelwood, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hazelwood, and James Allen son of Mrs. and Mrs. George Allen. The contracting parties are both residents of Papineau. The bridegroom's parents Mr. and Mrs. George Allen acted at witnesses. The young couple will reside in Papineau.
--North Bay Nugget, North Bay, Ontario, November 28, 1931 Page 12
7 |
 | Anderson-Pennock Wedding The Pantagraph
Bloomington, Illinois
Page 6
8 |
 | Appeal over death of George W. Wheeler Nebraska State Journal
Lincoln, Nebraska
Page 4
9 |
 | Bancroft-Jussen Wedding The New York Times
New York, New York
Page 7
10 |
 | Banning/Hart Family Story Celeste Linda Hart and Duncan Kier Banning
11 |
 | Baptism of John Munro Creich January 3rd, 1822. Which day Donald Munro tenant in Acharie had by his wife Margaret Murray a son born to him lawfully begat, baptized the 6th day same month and year named John.
12 |
 | Barr-Price Wedding The Ottawa Journal
Ottawa, Ontario
Page 15
13 |
 | Biography of Eben Bailey
14 |
 | Biography of John Swalwell Commemorative Biographical Record of the West Shore of Green Bay, Wisconsin, Including the Counties of Brown, Oconto, Marinette and Florence, Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens, and of Many of the Early Settled Families.
--Chicago, J.H. Beers & Co.
15 |
 | Casualty Enquiry Investigation Report
16 |
 | Charles Willey Was Married In Reading Norwich Bulletin
Norwich, Connecticut
Page 5
17 |
 | Children of Zachariah & Aurelia White
18 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
19 |
 | Daniels celebrate 65th anniversary Pike Press
Pittsfield, Illinois
20 |
 | Davidson Remarried
Former Mayor of Baltimore Weds Nurse With Whom he Eloped The Washington Post
Page 13
21 |
 | Death announcement of John Nolan, who died after contacting a cold while digging the grave of Ozias Banning The Ottawa Citizen
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Page 3
22 |
 | Dr. D.W. Geheber, Grandson of Local Woman, Will Wed The Times
Streator, Illinois
Page 14
23 |
 | Edwards-Pennock Nuptials The Daily Times
Davenport, Iowa
24 |
 | Election Ad Ray V. Bailey for State Representative
Wright County Monitor
Page 13
25 |
 | Elizabeth Warner is Bride of Robert Colton Hammond The Post Standard
Syracuse, New York
Page 66
26 |
 | Elizabethtown Post & Gazette Another Letter from Dr. M. E. Bishop
27 |
 | Emigration Outward Passenger List
Departed London, England, destined for Wellington, New Zealand aboard the ship Paparoa.
28 |
 | Emigration Outward Passenger List
Departed London, England, destined for Wellington, New Zealand aboard the ship Paparoa.
29 |
 | Ex-Beatle John Lennon is slain The San Bernardino County Sun
San Bernardino, California
Page 1
30 |
 | Family Story of Captain John Strong and Benjamin Burtch
31 |
 | Father Blinded in Trying to Save Infant Children The Ottawa Journal
Ottawa, Ontario
32 |
 | From Wills & Administrations Hazelwood, James
Effects under £1,500.
19 August. The will of James Hazelwood late of Loiter's Farm High Laver in the County of Essex Farmer who died 22 February 1873 at Loiter's Farm was proved at the Principal Registry by Elizabeth Crabb of Loiter's Farm Spinster and John Hazelwood of Matching in the said County Farmer the nephew the Executors.
(It states here that Elizabeth Crabb is a spinster, but census records state that she was married to James Hazelwood)
33 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
34 |
 | Hart/Williams Family Story
35 |
 | Hazelwood Farm, Epping, Essex Essex Chronicle, Chelmsford, Essex, England, October 12, 1877 Page 4
36 |
 | He is Pictorial Historian of War Arizona Republic
Phoenix, Arizona
Page 4
37 |
 | Heard County Court Sentences Man To Life In Prison For Murder --The Times-Herald, Newnan, Georgia, September 29, 1977 Page 1
38 |
 | Heard Slaying Suspect Held --Ledger-Enquirer, Columbus, Georgia, July 8, 1977 Page 1
39 |
 | Hermance-Sterns Wedding Sunday The Nebraska State Journal
Lincoln, Nebraska
Page 5
40 |
 | Immigration Article Facts in cases of certain aliens deportations. Letter from the Attorney General transmitting a report stating all the facts in cases of certain alien deportations which have been suspended for more than six months. February 3, 1943. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization and ordered to be printed. Truncated Title Date: Wednesday, February 3, 1943 Publication: Serial Set Vol. No.10792; Report: H.Doc. 92;
41 |
 | Immigration document Adeline and her two daughters boarded the SS Corinthic at the port of London on July 24, 1914 bound for New Zealand, their intended permanent residence, to meet Harry who had went ten weeks before them.
42 |
 | Immigration document Thomas boarded the Turakina at the port of London on May 15, 1914 bound for New Zealand, the intended permanent residence of him and his family who would follow ten weeks later.
43 |
 | Immigration to Canada Immigration to Canada aboard the Pomeranian, departing from London and arriving at the port of Quebec on the second of August, 1911.
44 |
 | Infant child of Alex & Mabel Byers Province of Ontario - Certificate of Registration of Death
45 |
 | Infant Child of Levi & Agnes Byers Province of Ontario - Certificate of Registration of Death
46 |
 | Infant daughter of Levi & Agnes Byers
47 |
 | Inquest is Opened The Ottawa Journal
Ottawa, Ontario
48 |
 | Iowa News Briefs The Mount Pleasant News
Mount Pleasant, Iowa
Page 8
49 |
 | John Bryan Biography
50 |
 | John Hazelwood Baptism Record
Epping, Essex