Country : Latitude: 56.49067119999999, Longitude: -4.2026458000000275
BirthMatches 51 to 55 of 55 «Prev 1 2
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
51 |
Wark, Christena | 1831 | Scotland, United Kingdom | I12127 |
52 |
Watson, Isabella Dunn | 1908 | Scotland, United Kingdom | I6443 |
53 |
White, Agnes | 1819 | Scotland, United Kingdom | I12193 |
54 |
Whitten, Elizabeth | 1815 | Scotland, United Kingdom | I1467 |
55 |
Williamson, Ann | Jun 1821 | Scotland, United Kingdom | I11055 |
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