City/Town : Latitude: 41.5200981, Longitude: -72.00590920000002
ChristenedMatches 1 to 1 of 1
DiedMatches 1 to 17 of 17
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Died |
Person ID |
1 |
Avery, Josephine Lamb | 1 Feb 1947 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I20608 |
2 |
Banning, Ruth Evelyn | 2 Sep 1959 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I07276 |
3 |
Blindloss, Raymond Thompson | 24 Dec 1968 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I24068 |
4 |
Bramble, John Nelson | 9 Aug 1913 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I07546 |
5 |
Bushnell, Edwin Mack | 17 Feb 1960 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I07775 |
6 |
Daniels, Elmer Evans | 2 Sep 1922 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I28540 |
7 |
Edwards, Frank William | 16 Sep 1970 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I07753 |
8 |
Ely, Ursula Raymond | 1 Sep 1913 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I24032 |
9 |
Gay, Ellsworth Alger | 27 Apr 1959 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I25489 |
10 |
Harwood, Francis Carl | 9 Mar 1956 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I27303 |
11 |
Jillson, Edward Payson | 14 Jun 1899 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I24035 |
12 |
Knowles, Melvin Copeland | 10 May 1963 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I27497 |
13 |
Pelton, Irene Cecilia | 27 Apr 1990 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I27217 |
14 |
Pieretti, Joseph | 3 Feb 1949 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I28383 |
15 |
Reynolds, Lawrence Warner | 16 Nov 1951 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I28079 |
16 |
Swanson, John Eric | 14 Jul 1977 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I27462 |
17 |
Willey, Jessie | 22 Jan 1958 | Preston, Connecticut, USA | I27294 |
MarriedMatches 1 to 2 of 2