City/Town : Latitude: 51.582071, Longitude: 0.7065149999999676 Latitude: 51.582071, Longitude: 0.706515
Landmarks |
 | St Andrew's Church, Rochford, Essex St Andrew's Church is a typical example of 13th/14th century stone construction, with an impressive 16th century brick tower.
Church Walk, Rochford |
 | Acacia House, Children's Home, Rochford, Essex Acacia House was built in 1882, housing up to forty-two school age boys and girls for the Rochford Union Workhouse, often the only choice for orphaned children. The building was turned into flats in 2014.
2 East Street, Rochford, Essex |
ChristenedMatches 1 to 1 of 1
DiedMatches 1 to 10 of 10
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Died |
Person ID |
1 |
Houghton, Elizabeth Mary | 21 Apr 1905 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | I03595 |
2 |
Houghton, Selina Moyse | 1934 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | I03596 |
3 |
Puxley, Frederick Ernest | 18 Jan 1944 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | I30118 |
4 |
Rich, Florence Kate | 1954 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | I30172 |
5 |
Scott, Emma | 1963 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | I29100 |
6 |
Smith, William Alfred | Sep 1905 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | I2836 |
7 |
Snow, William Jeremiah | 1900 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | I30164 |
8 |
Street, Walter | Aug 1936 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | I4906 |
9 |
Teece, Frederick William | Feb 1924 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | I06299 |
10 |
Wylie, Henry Thomas | 20 Mar 1966 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | I29341 |
MarriedMatches 1 to 4 of 4
Family |
Married |
Family ID |
1 |
Campen / Brooker | 1928 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | F14623 |
2 |
Campen / Shepherd | 1924 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | F14605 |
3 |
Pledger / Blanks | 1932 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | F16083 |
4 |
Pledger / Hebdon | 1928 | Rochford, Essex, England, United Kingdom | F16081 |