City/Town : Latitude: 43.3259005, Longitude: -76.64494909999996
 | 1850 US Census Sterling, Cayuga County, New York |
 | 1860 US Census Sterling, Cayuga County, New York |
 | 1860 US Census Sterling, Cayuga County, New York |
 | 1870 US Census Sterling, Cayuga County, New York |
 | 1880 US Census Sterling, Cayuga County, New York |
 | 1900 US Census Sterling, Cayuga County, New York |
DiedMatches 1 to 5 of 5
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Died |
Person ID |
1 |
Bentley, Frederick A. | 1920 | Sterling, New York, USA | I07005 |
2 |
Pulsifier, Estelle | 1897 | Sterling, New York, USA | I07006 |
3 |
Thompson, Jennie L. | 27 Mar 1937 | Sterling, New York, USA | I06933 |
4 |
Thompson, John Alexander | 5 Nov 2009 | Sterling, New York, USA | I07053 |
5 |
Wiley, Edward A. | 1900 | Sterling, New York, USA | I05637 |
MarriedMatches 1 to 1 of 1