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 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada

Latitude: 45.51805955566308, Longitude: -75.38956600106657 | Click to get directions to Dale's Cemetery

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Bill Galloway
Bill Galloway
Hockey Historian

William Earl
July 14, 1927 - Dec. 30, 1993
"Gone But Not Forgotten"
Rest In Peace 
    Wilbert Earl Galloway (d. 30 Dec 1993)
Borden & Jean Scharf and daughters Wendy and Marilyn
Borden & Jean Scharf and daughters Wendy and Marilyn
1922 - 1993
Beloved Husband of
Jean Galloway
1924 - 2007
Twin Sister of

1958 -
Marilyn Jean
Still Born 1945

    Velma Jean Galloway (d. 11 Mar 2007)
Borden C. Scharf (d. 23 Sep 1993)
Marilyn Jean Scharf (d. 1945)
Darryl & Shirley Barnett
Darryl & Shirley Barnett

1938 Darryl Barnett 2017

June 8, 1963 (married)

1943 Shirley Millar 2007

Asleep In God's Beautiful Garden 
    Darryl Barnett (d. 7 Nov 2017)
Shirley Millar (d. 6 Sep 2007)
Ernie & Glennis Levesque
Ernie & Glennis Levesque

In Loving Memory of
Nov. 29, 1925 Glennis Merle Galloway Feb. 1, 1998
Beloved Wife of
Nov. 25, 1922 Ernie Levesque Nov. 29, 1963

Safe In Arms of Jesus 
    Glennis Merle Galloway (d. 1 Feb 1998)
Ernest Levesque (d. 29 Nov 1963)
George Lough and John Lough
George Lough and John Lough
George Gilbert Lough
1905 - 1970

John William Lough
1916 - 2006 
    George Gilbert Lough (d. 7 Feb 1970)
John William Lough (d. 17 Jan 2006)
James & Eleanor Gibson and son Robert
James & Eleanor Gibson and son Robert

James Roy
1920 - 2015
His Wife
Eleanor J. Robertson
1919 - 2017
Robert George
Sept. 3, 1951 - Sept. 6, 1951 
    James Roy Gibson (d. 18 Jan 2015)
Robert George Gibson (d. 6 Sep 1951)
Eleanor Jean Robertson (d. 9 May 2017)
James & Evaline Lough
James & Evaline Lough

Evaline H. Galloway
May 28, 1905 - Aug. 22, 1978
Beloved Wife of
James E.
Feb. 12, 1895 - Dec. 16, 1979

Rest In Peace 
    Evaline Henrietta Gallaway (d. 22 Aug 1978)
James Ernest Lough (d. 16 Dec 1979)
John & Margaret Sharkey, their children Herbert Sharkey, Minerva Sharkey and John & Eva Sharkey and their son Keith Sharkey
John & Margaret Sharkey, their children Herbert Sharkey, Minerva Sharkey and John & Eva Sharkey and their son Keith Sharkey
John Sharkey 1847 - 1920
His Wife
Margaret McCaffrey 1860 - 1929
Herbert 1887 - 1901 * Minerva 1894 - 1897
John Sharkey 1885 - 1981
His Wife
Eva Dale, 1886 - 1979
Keith, 1923 - 1930 
    Eva May Dale (d. 14 Jul 1979)
John Sharkey (d. 12 Dec 1981)
John Keith Sharkey (d. 3 Jul 1931)
John Galloway
John Galloway

Wm. John
Jan. 28, 1942 - Jan. 2, 1980
Loving Father
Jason And Tiffany

Resting In The Love Of The Holy Spirit 
    William John Galloway (d. 2 Jan 1980)
John Millar and Keith Millar
John Millar and Keith Millar

In Loving Memory of
John E. Millar 1945 - 1993
Keith W. Millar 1941 - 2007 
    John Edmund Millar (d. 24 Jan 1993)
Keith Wesley Millar (d. 9 Dec 2007)
Keith & Ingrid Millar and his brother John
Keith & Ingrid Millar and his brother John

In Loving Memory of
John E. Millar 1945 - 1993
Keith W. Millar 1941 - 2007
Beloved Husband of
Ingrid J. (Hanson)
1946 - 2022 
    Ingrid Hanson (d. 2 Jul 2022)
John Edmund Millar (d. 24 Jan 1993)
Keith Wesley Millar (d. 9 Dec 2007)
Kenneth & Edna Grant
Kenneth & Edna Grant

In Loving Memory
Kenneth L.
May 9, 1927 - June 9, 1998
Beloved Husband of
Edna I. Galloway
July 17, 1922 - March 14, 2019 
    Edna Irene Galloway (d. 14 Mar 2019)
Kenneth Lawrence Grant (d. 9 Jun 1998)
Norman Lough
Norman Lough
Norman Lough
1909 -1975 
    Norman Wilfred Lough (d. 19 Jan 1975)
Samuel & Harriet Galloway and children Annie and Clinton
Samuel & Harriet Galloway and children Annie and Clinton

1898 - 1968
His Loving Wife
1902 - 1956
1924 - 1951
1932 - 1976 
    Clinton Herbert Galloway (d. 11 Mar 1976)
Elizabeth Ann Galloway (d. 17 Jun 1951)
Samuel Michael Galloway (d. 4 Dec 1968)
Harriet Merle Lough (d. 23 Oct 1956)
Samuel & Mary Dale and children, Willie, John, Charles and Leslie
Samuel & Mary Dale and children, Willie, John, Charles and Leslie

1840 Samuel 1930
Husband of
1849 Mary Lough 1917
1876 William "Willie" 1905
1880 John Noble 1881
1883 Charles Noble 1889
1888 Leslie James 1948 
    Charles Noble Dale (d. 15 May 1889)
John Noble Dale (d. 19 Jun 1881)
Leslie James Dale (d. 9 Aug 1948)
Samuel Dale (d. 2 Mar 1930)
William Dale (d. 19 Feb 1905)
Mary Lough (d. 5 Mar 1917)
Stanley & Hilda Edwards, their son Ralph Edwards and Stanley's parents
Stanley & Hilda Edwards, their son Ralph Edwards and Stanley's parents

In Loving Memory of
Archibald Edwards 1895 - 1974
Husband of
Bertha M. MacEachern 1902 - 1994
Their Son
Stanley A. Edwards 1928 - 2018
Husband of
Hilda M. Sharkey 1931 - 2001
Their Son
Ralph A. Edwards 1960 - 1991 
    Ralph Archibald Edwards (d. 24 Oct 1991)
Stanley Archibald Edwards (d. 19 Jun 2018)
Hilda Mae Sharkey (d. 20 Feb 2001)
Walter & Dorothy Millar and his brother Isaac
Walter & Dorothy Millar and his brother Isaac

In Loving Memory of

Isaac R. Millar 1913 - 966
Brother of
Walter E. Millar 1906 - 1967
Beloved Husband of
Dorothy I. Lough 1913 - 1993 
    Dorothy Isabel Lough (d. 23 Dec 1993)
Walter Edmund Millar (d. 14 Apr 1967)
Wilfred & Gladys Sharkey
Wilfred & Gladys Sharkey

1919 Wilfred Dale Sharkey 2003
1918 Gladys Muriel Edwards 2011

In Loving Memory 
    Gladys Muriel Edwards (d. 30 Mar 2011)
Wilfred Dale Sharkey (d. 13 Nov 2003)
William & Annie Lough
William & Annie Lough

William John
1873 - 1946

His Wife
Annie M. Smith
1873 - 1961

Loved By All Who Knew Him 
    William John Lough (d. 7 Dec 1946)
Annie Margaret Smith (d. 16 Dec 1961)
William & Maria Moffatt, Maria's First Husband John and their son Herbert
William & Maria Moffatt, Maria's First Husband John and their son Herbert
In Loving Memory of
Herbert James Millar
Oct. 26, 1918, Aged 17 Yrs.

John E. Millar
June 7, 1923, Aged 51 Yrs.

His Wife
Maria Moffatt
1875 - 1953
Wm. Moffatt
1879 - 1968

    John Edmund Millar (d. 7 Jun 1923)
Maria Moffatt (d. 14 Jan 1953)
William Moffatt (d. 3 Jul 1968)

All Burials

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Buried   Person ID 
1. Barnett, Darryl   d. 7 Nov 2017 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5649
2. Dale, Charles Noble   d. 15 May 1889 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5745
3. Dale, Eva May   d. 14 Jul 1979 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5747
4. Dale, John Noble   d. 19 Jun 1881 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5744
5. Dale, Leslie James   d. 9 Aug 1948 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5746
6. Dale, Rose Mary   d. 27 May 1948 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5742
7. Dale, Samuel   d. 2 Mar 1930 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5741
8. Dale, William   d. 19 Feb 1905 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5743
9. Edwards, Gladys Muriel   d. 30 Mar 2011 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5755
10. Edwards, Ralph Archibald   d. 24 Oct 1991 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5771
11. Edwards, Stanley Archibald   d. 19 Jun 2018 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5770
12. Gallaway, Evaline Henrietta   d. 22 Aug 1978 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5551
13. Galloway, Clinton Herbert   d. 11 Mar 1976 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5571
14. Galloway, Douglas Elmer   d. 9 Dec 1972 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5565
15. Galloway, Edna Irene   d. 14 Mar 2019 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5566
16. Galloway, Elizabeth Ann   d. 17 Jun 1951 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5567
17. Galloway, Glennis Merle   d. 1 Feb 1998 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5569
18. Galloway, Samuel Michael   d. 4 Dec 1968 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5564
19. Galloway, Velma Jean   d. 11 Mar 2007 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5568
20. Galloway, Wilbert Earl   d. 30 Dec 1993 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5574
21. Galloway, William John   d. 2 Jan 1980 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5573
22. Gibson, James Roy   d. 18 Jan 2015 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I7617
23. Gibson, Robert George   d. 6 Sep 1951 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I7618
24. Grant, Kenneth Lawrence   d. 9 Jun 1998 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5577
25. Hanson, Ingrid   d. 2 Jul 2022 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5640
26. Kent, Margaret Eleanor   d. 2 Dec 2021 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5558
27. Levesque, Ernest   d. 29 Nov 1963 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5591
28. Lough, Dorothy Isabel   d. 23 Dec 1993 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5550
29. Lough, George Gilbert   d. 7 Feb 1970 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5548
30. Lough, Harriet Merle   d. 23 Oct 1956 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5547
31. Lough, James Ernest   d. 16 Dec 1979 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5546
32. Lough, John William   d. 17 Jan 2006 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5549
33. Lough, Mary   d. 5 Mar 1917 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5447
34. Lough, Melvin Edgar   d. 5 Jan 1991 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5553
35. Lough, Norman Wilfred   d. 19 Jan 1975 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5668
36. Lough, William John   d. 7 Dec 1946 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5519
37. Millar, John Edmund   d. 7 Jun 1923 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5507
38. Millar, John Edmund   d. 24 Jan 1993 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5626
39. Millar, Keith Wesley   d. 9 Dec 2007 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5625
40. Millar, Shirley   d. 6 Sep 2007 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5631
41. Millar, Walter Edmund   d. 14 Apr 1967 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5589
42. Moffatt, Maria   d. 14 Jan 1953 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5504
43. Moffatt, William   d. 3 Jul 1968 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5477
44. Robertson, Eleanor Jean   d. 9 May 2017 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I7616
45. Scharf, Borden C.   d. 23 Sep 1993 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5590
46. Scharf, Marilyn Jean   d. 1945 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5575
47. Sharkey, Hilda Mae   d. 20 Feb 2001 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5753
48. Sharkey, John   d. 12 Dec 1981 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5748
49. Sharkey, John Keith   d. 3 Jul 1931 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5754
50. Sharkey, Wilfred Dale   d. 13 Nov 2003 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5751
51. Smith, Annie Margaret   d. 16 Dec 1961 Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I5545