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Woman Burned to Death
Woman Burned to Death.
Cayuga, May 9.-About 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon screams were heard issuing from the home of H. E. Wiley. Upon investigating the neighbors found Mrs. Wiley enveloped in flames, and before they could be extinguished her clothing was completely burned from her body, After 12 hours of intense suffering she died at 1 o'clock this morning. Before the accident she had been in the garden burning brush, and it is believed that a spark from the burning brush had lodged in her dress and had burst into flames after she entered the house. Mrs. Wiley was 80 years of age.
--Buffalo Courier, Buffalo, New York, May 10, 1893 Page 2
Owner of original | Buffalo Courier, Buffalo, New York |
Date | 10 May 1893 |
File name | lucinda.willey.fire.jpg |
File Size | 47.53k |
Dimensions | 546 x 336 |
Linked to | Lucinda Woodruff |
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