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Justice Druhan, 56, Succumbs to Pneumonia
Justice Druhan, 56, Succumbs To Pneumonia
Fatal Illness Developed After Operation-Rites to Be Held on Friday
Supreme Court Justice Charles J. Druhan died at 1:15 a.m, today in his home, 1195 Ocean Ave. He was 56. He died of pneumonia which developed after an operation for gastric ulcers two weeks ago.
Justice Druhan is survived by Mrs. Druhan, the former Agnes Dorman, sister of Fire Commissioner John J. Dorman, a son, Loughlin, and two daughters, Mrs. Harry Hagan and Mrs. Arthur Sears. He is also survived by two brothers, Raymond F. and John L. Druhan.
Funeral services will be held at 9:30 a.m, Friday from the Druhan home, wth a solemn requiem mass at Our Lady of Refuge Church, Ocean and Foster Aves. Interment will follow in St. John's Cemetery.
Son of Police Inspector
Judge Druhan was the son of former Police Inspector Thomas L. Druhan, He was born on Aug. 22, 1876, in what was then known as the old 8th Ward, South Brooklyn, a short distance from the house in which Inspector Druhan had been born.
In the Brooklyn Supreme Court today, the usual business of the court was halted while in Trial Term, Part "I, gathered all the judges who were in the building and some 200 lawyers and others in a brief informal ceremony to pay their respects to the memory of Justice Druhan and express their sorrow at his death.
Justice John MacCrate presided.
Justice John B. Johnston declared
Continued on Page 13
--The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn, New York, May 24, 1933 Page 1
Owner of original | The Brooklyn Daily Eagle |
Date | 24 May 1933 |
File name | justice.druhan.1.jpg |
File Size | 170.63k |
Dimensions | 546 x 2027 |
Linked to | Charles Joseph Druhan |
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