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Funeral Rites Held For Mrs. Armstrong
Cattaraugus County
FRANKLINVILLE, Nov. 8.-The wife of Edward Armstrong and funeral of Mrs. Phina Armstrong, who died in her Second avenue home Monday night, was held today in the Free Methodist church, the Rev. F. M. Hendricks officiating, with burial in Mt. Prospect.
Mrs. Armstrong was born in Sandusky, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1867. She was married Sept. 15, 1887, to Edward Armstrong, They spent their earlier life in Sandusky, coming to Franklinville about 30 years ago. Mr.
Armstrong is a jeweler and has conducted that business here many years.
Mrs. Armstrong was an ardent worker and member of the Free Methodist church, having joined when a young girl. She was also much interested in the temperance cause, having been president of the local W. C. T. U. for 25 years.
Survivors are her husband, two daughters and two sons, Miss Mae Armstrong, a missionary in South Africa; Floyd of Bakersfield, Cal.; Ruth, at home, and Clinton of Detroit, Mich., and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Root, Franklinville, and Mrs. Nellie M. Baker, Omaha, Neb.
--The Buffalo News, Buffalo, New York, November 08, 1935 Page 27
Owner of original | The Buffalo News |
Date | 8 Nov 1935 |
File name | 101328019_52cba9d7-e4e4-44c8-b42e-6d783861f9d6.jpeg |
File Size | 152.96k |
Dimensions | 419 x 1069 |
Linked to | Phina E. Hyde |
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