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Katie Munro
Munroe -Sad, Indeed, was the message that came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. John Munroe of Boyd's Settlement on Wednesday last when they received a telegram informing them that their second eldest daughter. Katie Della, had passed peacefully away at Calgary hospital on Monday, January 28th. Deceased had gone in August last on a visit to relatives in Wastina, Alta., and while there contracted typhoid fever, and was recovering nicely when typhoid meningitis set in. She was removed to Calgary hospital where she succumbed three days later; the remains reached home on Monday of this week. The funeral service was held on Wednesday forenoon at nine o'clock, being conducted by the Rev, Mr. Dustin of Lanark village, who spoke comforting words to the bereaved family from the 14th chapter of the book of John. The remains were afterwards taken to the family burying ground at Elphin. Deceased had a very bright and cheerful disposition and was much loved by a wide circle of friends and relatives. She leaves to mourn her sudden demise, her father and mother, two sisters, Laura and Grace, and two brothers, Guy and Willie, all of whom are at home. Thus ends a promising young life, which bespoke much for the future. "In the midst of life we are in death."
Owner of original | Ancestry Member: patturner441 |
Date | 1918 |
File name | e987de0e-702c-4786-b6ca-c473ec0d34b5.jpg |
File Size | 86.22k |
Dimensions | 247 x 450 |
Linked to | Katie Della Munro |
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