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Lester J. Ayerst
Lester J. Ayerst
130 Medford Md., Mattydale
Lester J. Ayerst, 26, of 130 Medford Rd., Mattydale, died today in University Hospital, Born in the Town of Clayton, Mr. Ayerst lived in Mattydale the last three years and was employed as a punch press operator for Carrier Corp. He was a communicant of St. Margaret's Church, Mattydale. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Winona Ayerst; a daughter, Margaret Ann; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everton Ayerst of LaFargeville; a brother, Albert Ayerst of Adams Counter; and four sisters, Mrs. Harry Kirkby of Evans Mills, Mrs. John Shultz of Mannsville, Mrs. Max Flemming of Mattydale and Miss Beatrice Ayerst of Watertown. Services will be conducted in the Leiston-Krueger Funeral Home, Mattydale, at 9 a.m. Monday and at 9:30 a.m. in St. Margaret's Church. Burial will be in Assumption Cemetery. Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow and Sunday at the funeral home.
--Syracuse Herald-Journal, Syracuse, New York, September 14, 1956 Page 16
Owner of original | Syracuse Herald-Journal, Syracuse, New York |
Date | 14 Sep 1956 |
File name | Screenshot 2023-03-28 175827.jpeg |
File Size | 82.53k |
Dimensions | 259 x 547 |
Linked to | Lester James Ayerst |
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