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H. Hazelwood, Pioneer Farmer Of Mattawa Dies
H. Hazelwood, Pioneer Farmer Of Mattawa Dies
MATTAWA - A farmer in Papineau Township for many years, Herbert Hazelwood died November 19 at the home of his son, John, Eau Claire. He was 85 years of age.
Rev, R. P. Playfair officiated at the funeral service at St. Alban's Anglican Church. Burial was in the United Protestant Cemetery.
John Hazelwood, Norman Hazelwood, Donald Hazelwood, Gaylord Hazelwood, Nelson McMartin and Leonard Allen were pallbearers.
The son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood, he was born in England on February 9, 1870. The family came to Canada in 1888.
Mr. Hazelwood was married in 1893 at Saranac Lake, N.Y., to the former Agnes McClelland. Mrs. Hazelwood predeceased her husband.
After retiring from farming, Mr. Hazelwood resided with a son, Herbert at Almonte and for the past several years at Papineau Township.
Surviving are seven sons and two daughters. They are John, Charles and Eric, Eau Claire; Percy and David, Mattawa; Herbert, Almonte; William, British Columbia; Mrs. N. McMartin (Eleanor), Mattawa; and Mrs. J. Allen (Lillian), Thornloe.
--North Bay Nugget, Nov 30, 1955 Page 23
Owner of original | North Bay Nugget |
Date | 30 Nov 1955 |
File name | img (125).jpg |
File Size | 181.87k |
Dimensions | 606 x 1656 |
Linked to | Herbert Edward Hazelwood |
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