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Bertha Giles
Mrs Reuben Giles
ALMONTE, Dec 28 - (Special)- Mrs Reuben Giles, longtime resident of Blakeney Village, some three miles north of Almonte, died at her home in the village on December 25 following a short illness. She was 77. Born Bertha McArthur in Ramsay township February 29, 1880, she was a daughter of the late Stephen McArthur and his wife, the former Mary Turner. She received her education in the rural schools. Following her marriage some 45 years ago she and her husband moved to Blakeney Village, where they have resided until the time of her death. She was a member of the Blakeney United Church and was a life member of the Women's Missionary Society of the church. Surviving, besides her husband, are a daughter, Mrs J.H. Majaury (Margaret) of Almonte; a sister and a brother, Ethel and Stephen McArthur of Blakeney. The funeral was held on Friday from the Comba funeral home at 2 p.m., with interment being in the Auld Kirk cemetery. Rev Mr Henley officiated, assisted by Rev J. Ray Anderson of the Almonte United Church.
--1957, Saturday December 28, The Ottawa Journal page 4
Owner of original | The Ottawa Journal |
Date | 28 Dec 1957 |
Linked to | Bertha McArthur |
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