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Lyndle Pennock
Lyndle Arthur Pennock was born June 17, 1921 in Pike County, Illinois to the late John and Mabel Pennock. Mr. Pennock died at 8:45 Monday, July 1 after his truck ran into a house in Bethalto.
Mr. Pennock was united in Holy Matrimony on Sept. 26, 1942 in Palmyra, MO, to L. Josephine Sackett. To this union was added four daughters, Mrs. Janice Carpenter, House Springs, MO, Mrs. Linda Richardson, Alton, Mrs. Norma Ussery, Colchesster, IL, and Dianna Pennock, at home.
In addition to his wife and children Mr. Pennock is survived by one brother, Stanley Pennock, Pittsfield, Il; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Freeman Pittsfield, IL, Mrs. Dorothy Meece, Springfield, IL, and Mrs. Rosa Mae Daniels, Pittsfield, IL; six grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews.
He was employed as a machine operator at Alton Box Board since 1951.
Although Mr. Pennock will be greatly missed by all of us who loved him, we would not wish to call him from his celestial abode and his intimate fellowship with our Saviour who prepared him for death. We can only prepare and await the glad hour when Christ shall beckon us to come home where we shall join him for eternity.
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