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Thomas Scott
A Tragedy
The closing hours of Good Friday were marked with as sad an occurrence as has been recorded in Almonte in many years ? the accidental death of Mr Thomas Edward Scott. He was a son of Mr W.H. Scott of New England and a boy well known an well liked in town. He was just beginning to develop and gave every promise of making a fine athlete. It seems hard to realize that one so full of the vigour of life should be so suddenly called away. He was alighting from a freight at the station about eight o'clock Friday evening when in some manner he slipped and fell under the wheels. His right leg was completely severed. Medical help was quickly on hand, and he was removed to the hospital, but the loss of blood and shock had been too much and the power we call life departed Saturday evening. He was sixteen years of age. The funeral on Monday was very large. Among the floral tributes were: Wreath from the Victoria hockey team, wreath from the High School hockey team, wreath from the Knitters' hockey team and a pillow from his chums.
--The Almonte Gazette, Almonte, Ontario, April 16, 1909 front page
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