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Harold Winthrop
WINTHROP ? Herald E. Burnap, 72, of Route 2, died at 11 p.m., Tuesday, May 31, 1977 at the Potsdam Hospital where he had been a patient for two days. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Viola Burnap, Winthrop; three sons, Leon Burnap, Norfolk; Duane Burnap, West Stockholm; and Larry Burnap, Winthrop; two daughters, Mrs. Betty LeCuyer, Norfolk; Mrs. William (Ellen)
Young, South Butler; one brother, Clinton Burnap, Brasher Falls; one sister, Mrs. Bessie Winters, North Bangor; 13 grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. He was born in Stockholm Oct. 15, 1904, the son of Elson and Harriet Greeno Burnap. He married Miss Viola Steenberg of Stockholm Oct. 2, 1936. He had been a farmer in the Winthrop area , all of his life. Burial will be made in the Jenkins Neighborhood Cemetery.
--Massena Observer, Massena, New York, June 2, 1977
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