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Bill Lewis
William M. ?Bill? Lewis, 89, of Auburn, died on Tuesday June 11, 2019 after a period of declining health.
Born in Worcester to Marshall W. and Eva (Gates) Lewis, Bill was raised in Auburn and met the love of his life, Claire E. (Simmons), when they were just sixteen years old. They were married in 1951, two years after graduating from Auburn High School, and most recently celebrated 68 years of marriage. Bill dedicated 13 years of service to the United States Army National Guard.
Bill always enjoyed spending the afternoon playing golf and loved to travel. He was known, to friends and family, as a handyman, able to fix any problem they might have.
He was a longtime member of Hadwen Park Congregational Church and looked forward to the weekly service he would attend.
Bill leaves his loving wife, Claire; three brothers, Royden K., Richard A., and Robert E. Lewis; and several nieces and nephews.
Services will be held privately at his family?s request. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to a charity of one?s choice.
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