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Leigh Dutton
William ?Leigh? Dutton, 92, passed away in Hemet Monday, Aug. 25, 2008. Leigh was born Nov. 10, 1915, in Anaheim to Roger Cole Dutton add Marie Dutton.
He graduated from Anaheim High School and attended U.C. Davis prior to Word War II. During World War II, he served as an officer with the Merchant Marines in the Pacific Theater.
He settled in Idyllwild in 1947, becoming a highly respected business and community leader for more than 40 years and a secret benefactor to numerous Idyllwild families in need.
He also greatly enjoyed acting and directing with the Idyllwild Players, as well as the Ramona Pageant.
After retirement from his various businesses, he traveled extensively and became an avid gardener, making his iris garden on South Circle Drive a highlight for all to see.
A special thank you to the staff at Buena Vista Assisted Living and Ramona VNA & Hospice. At his request, no services will be held. He will be accorded cremation rights by the Neptune Society.
He is survived by a daughter, Margot Austin, and many friends.
He is predeceased by his parents and sister.
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