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Viola Burnap
Viola M. Burnap, 83, Community Nursing Home, Potsdam, formerly of Winthrop, died Friday evening at Canton-Potsdam Hospital, Potsdam.
Mrs. Burnap was a homemaker and a member of Brookdale Wesleyan Church.
Born in April 1916, in the town of Stockholm, daughter of Harlie and Martha Price Steenburg, she attended Brasher-Stockholm schools.
She married Herald E. Burnap on Oct. 2, 1936, at Massena with the Rev. Walter Page officiating. Mr. Burnap , a longtime farmer in the Winthrop area, died May 21, 1977.
Surviving are two sons and their wives, Duane and Carol Ann, Winthrop, and Leon and Patricia, Norfolk; two daughters and a son-in-law, Betty Lecuyer, Winthrop, and Ellen and William Young, South Butler; two sisters, Arlene Woods and Sylvia Quinville, both of Massena; grandchildren, great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
A son, Larry; two brothers, Arthur and Harlie Steenburg, and a sister, Isabelle Smith, died before her.
--Watertown Daily Times, Watertown, New York, March 26, 2000
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