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Victoria M. LeMay
Victoria M. LeMay
BARRE: Victoria M. LeMay, 95, of Springfield, died early Sunday morning, Dec. 10, 2006, at the Menig Extended Care Facility in Randolph.
She was born Nov. 29, 1911, in Barre, the daughter of Lewis & Olive (Martin) Damon. She was raised in Barre and attended Northfield Seminary, receiving her teaching degree from Wheelock College. She was married to Madison F. Boyce, then Raphael J. LeMay, both of whom predeceased her. She taught piano and voice and directed church choirs in Barre, Montpelier and Springfield. She was instrumental in the formation of public kindergarten in the Barre school system. She moved from Barre to Springfield in 1950. She was a member of the Unitarian-Universalist Church in Barre and Springfield, as well as the Springfield Community Players, Descendants of the Mayflower and the Altrurian Club.
Survivors include her son, Madison L. Boyce of Randolph; daughter, Patricia LaPointe of Lakeview, Mass.; and three grandchildren. She was predeceased by her brothers, Dr. Raymond Martin, Hildred Martin and Proctor Martin, and one grandchild.
Memorial Services in Springfield will be announced at a later date. There are no calling hours. Private burial will be at the Vermont Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Randolph Center. Contributions in her memory may be made to the Springfield Community Chorus, Springfield Community Players or to the church. Arrangements are by the Day Funeral Home in Randolph.
--December 12, 2006
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