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Last Rites for A.S. Grawbarger
Last Rites for A. S. Grawbarger
Funeral service was held Monday for Andrew Samuel Grawbarger of Wisa Wasa at his residence. Mr. Grawbarger died Saturday at Restoule. Rev. A. H. Kaellgren officiated and interment was at Nipissing Cemetery.
Mr. Grawbarger was born April 25, 1892, at Restoule, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grawbarger.
He married the former Eliza Jane Byers at Nipissing Village on Sept, 27, 1922.
Mr. Grawbarger was a member of the Loyal Orange Lodge No. 812 at Nipissing and the Royal Black Preciptory No. 762 of North Bay.
He is survived by his wife, one son Iriton, one daughter, Mrs. William South (Doris) both of Wisa Wasa, and 9 grandchildren.
Also surviving are three sisters, Mrs. H. Martin (Marion), Mrs. Chessel Stevens (Mary), both of Restoule, Mrs. William Chugston (Jeannie), Ridgeway; and three brothers, Basi!, Kitchener and Thomas all of Restoule.
Pallbearers for Mr. Grawbarger were six nephews, Clarence Martin, Bordeu Martin, Edwin Grawbarger, Robert Clark, Jack Byers and John Johnston.
Out-of-town relatives who attended the funeral were Miss Dianne Grawbarger, Fort William; Mr. and Mrs. William Byers, Mimico; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Radkey, and Neil, Galt; Jack Byers, Hamilton; Henry Martin, Fred Martin, Willowdale; Mr. and Mrs. Monty Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hill and Merle Martin, all of Toronto.
--North Bay Nugget, North Bay, Ontario, July 6, 1960 Page 13
Owner of original | North Bay Nugget |
Date | 6 Jul 1960 |
File name | img (48).jpg |
File Size | 199.07k |
Dimensions | 549 x 1885 |
Linked to | Andrew Samuel Grawbarger |
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