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Jacob Leroy
Jacob Leroy
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Arnold A. Mathews on Wednesday afternoon for Jacob Duncan Stanley Leroy, of Callander, who died in St. Joseph's Hospital on Sunday after a German souvenir gun he was handling went off, causing fatal injuries.
The service was conducted at the home of his mother, Mrs. Eliza Leroy of Callander. Pallbearers were Edward Byers, Freddie Ayers, Ray Daniher, Willis, Harvey and Herb Knapp. Interment took place at the Callander cemetery.
Born in Callander 28 years ago, Jacob Leroy enlisted in the Canadian Army shortly after the outbreak of war and served in the armed forces for five and one half years.
Unmarried, he was predeceased by his father, Simon Leroy, and a brother, who was killed in action overseas. Survivors are his mother, Mrs. Eliza Leroy of Callander; two brothers, Harvey Leroy of Sudbury and Rodie Leroy of Callander; and four sisters, Mrs. Jack Allard, Ferris, Mrs. Ed Ranger, Toronto, Mrs. Art Hopson, Bayfield and Miss Cora Leroy of Toronto.
--North Bay Nugget, North Bay, Ontario, September 6, 1946 Page 12
Owner of original | North Bay Nugget |
Date | 6 Sep 1946 |
File name | img (113).jpg |
File Size | 173.25k |
Dimensions | 677 x 1435 |
Linked to | Jacob Duncan Stanley Leroy |
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