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Known To Be Wounded, Callander Man Missing
Callander, Oct, 20 - Reported wounded in France on August 23, and later said to have received shell fragment wounds in the back of the head, Rfmn. Charles Le Roy, son of Mrs. E, Le Roy, Callander, is now reported missing, known wounded in France. Mrs. Le Roy received this news from the casualties office at Ottawa this week.
Rfmn, Le Roy, who is 29 years old, is unmarried. He was born and educated at Callander, and worked in Nobel immediately prior to enlisting. He joined the Regina Rifles at Toronto in January, 1942, and trained at a number of Canadian military camps, among them Toronto, Camp Borden and Ipperwash. He also spent some time in Newfoundland.
A short time after the invasion of Western Europe was launched, Rfmn, Le Roy went to Britain, and was transferred almost immediately to France.
He was first reported wounded in France on August 23. A communication describing his injuries as "shell fragment wounds in the back of the head" came on October 3, and this week a telegram saying the Callander-born soldier is missing, and known to be wounded, was relayed to his mother.
Rfmn, Le Roy has two brothers on active service. They are Pte. Rodie and Cpl, Jake, both of whom are overseas.
--North Bay Nugget, North Bay, Ontario, October 20, 1944 Page 2
Owner of original | North Bay Nugget |
Date | 20 Oct 1944 |
File name | img (121).jpg |
File Size | 232.76k |
Dimensions | 819 x 1365 |
Linked to | Charles Byers Leroy |
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