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James King
In loving memory of George James “Jim” King, 54 years. Tuesday, January 18th, 2011 at his home.
Beloved husband of Sandra Frew predeceased November 14th, 2009. Loving father of Stephan, Cary (Irene), Sherry (Andrew Young) and Christopher. Loving step father of Jason and Jeremy. Cherished grandfather of Joshua, Emma, Noah, Kylie, Austin, Macarthur and Cameron. Dear son of Rita predeceased and James King (Florence) of Azilda. Dear brother of Ronnie of Sudbury. Jim was born in Sudbury, he retired from Vale as a scooptram operator in 2010, with 34 years of service. He had a passion for old cars and was a former member of the Elks Lodge. Jim loved living at the lake and will be remembered often saying “Why would I go anywhere else!”
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