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Huntington Boy Dies of Wound Caused by Sharp 'Instrument'
Huntington Boy Dies of Wound Caused by Sharp 'Instrument'
State police Sunday pressed their investigation of the strange death of Douglas L. Blish II, 8, of Huntington at his home last Friday evening.
State's Atty. John J. Boylan Jr. of Burlington said troopers and members of the State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation were working to piece together details of the youngster's death.
Was Playing on Sofa
Police said they were told the boy was playing on the sofa at his home with some other youngsters between 7:20 and 7:45 p.m. Friday when he collapsed and died before a doctor arrived.
Troopers said they were told the boy had fallen in the woods earlier in the day and had suffered a cut in his left shoulder that did not appear too serious.
An autopsy performed Saturday by Dr. Richard S. Woodruff of Burlington, the state pathologist, revealed the boy had died of internal bleeding caused by a puncture of the main artery that carries blood to the heart.
Caused by 'Instrument'
Dr. Woodruff said the autopsy indicated the puncture of the artery was caused by a sharp "instrument" of some kind. He said he did not think the wound was caused by a sharp twig or similar object.
"We are still trying to find out exactly how the youngster died," said Boylan. "The state police boys are working on it and will report their findings to me." (Obituary, Page 2.).
--The Burlington Free Press, Burlington, Vermont, June 11, 1962 Page 1
Owner of original | The Burlington Free Press |
Date | 11 Jun 1962 |
File name | img (238).jpg |
File Size | 169.48k |
Dimensions | 819 x 973 |
Linked to | Douglas Lee Blish |
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