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Leatrice B. Sweet
Leatrice B. Sweet
July 8, 1926 - January 25, 2013
U.S. Veteran
Leatrice “Lea” Sweet of Lompoc died Friday, January 25, 2013.
Lea was born in Huntington Park to Lyman and Cecelia Sweet. She served in WW II as an electrician in the U.S. Navy. A resident of Lompoc since 1964, she was employed as a clerk for Safeway and later as a financial clerk for The Bank of America and Household Finance until her retirement in 1991.
Lea was a member of the La Purisima Catholic Church parish serving as a Eucharistic minister. She was a lifetime member of both the American Legion Post 125 and the VFW post 570 and served in many offices. She was a past president and chairman of the Santa Barbara County Veterans Council and a member of the Lompoc Elks Lodge #2274.
Lea is survived by her daughters Spring Sweet and Diana Tietz, her son Donald Boddy, Jr., three grandsons and five great grandchildren.
The funeral mass will be celebrated 10 a.m. Thursday, January 31, 2013 at La Purisima Catholic Church with Rev. Thomas Cook, Celebrant. Burial will follow with military honors at Lompoc Evergreen Cemetery.
Arrangements are in the care of Starbuck-Lind Mortuary.
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