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Blaine Carl Haigh
Blaine Carl Haigh passed away peacefully on Dec. 1, 2013 at Careage of Whidbey in Coupeville after a brief battle with cancer. He was 82 years old.
Blaine was born in Los Angeles, Calif. on Aug. 20, 1931 to Norman and Lyla Haigh and joined the Air Force after graduating from high school. After serving his country in Korea, Blaine left the service and began a long career with the Motorola Company, retiring in 1992 as an international buyer.
In 1978, Blaine met and married his wife, Joan Cope Williams, with whom he spent 35 wonderful years. After making their first home together in Arizona, Blaine and Joan moved to Coupeville in 1992, living happily near family and friends for the next 21 years.
Before and after his retirement, Blaine enjoyed golf, bowling and card games, which he participated in until the last months of his life. Whether at the bowling alley or the card table, Blaine loved the skill and social aspects of the games and joined an exclusive club in February of 2002 when he bowled his first perfect game at Oak Harbor’s Oak Bowl.
Blaine is survived by his wife, four children, six grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and his sister Sandra. A private interment ceremony will be held at the Sunnyside Cemetery in Coupeville. Arrangements have been entrusted to the care of Mark Andreasen at Burley Funeral Chapel.
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