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James Morden Duncan
DUNCAN - In hospital, Almonte, Ontario on Tuesday December l4th, 1993. James Morden Duncan (Former President of N.L.A.S.). In His 85th Year. Beloved husband the late Mary Ethel McKay. Dear father of Bruce (Janet), Almonte; Barbara Ann (Mrs. Glenn Mackey) Spencerville; Sandra (Mrs. Tony Bullock), Pakenham. Loving grandfather of Craig and Alison Duncan; Paul, Scan and Jennifer Mackey; Jason, Marcia and Jamie Bullock. Dear brother of Mable (Mrs. Bill Taber); Muriel (Mrs. Leland Redden); Rae (Mrs. Allan Lytle); Bill (Shirley); Ken (Helen); Gordon (Mary) and Hugh (Margaret). Predeceased by three brothers Harold, Allan and Bert Duncan and infant son Robert. Friends called at the Kerry Funeral Home, 154 Elgin Street, Almonte. Funeral Service was in the Chapel on Friday. Rev. Ted Colwell officiated. Interment Auld Kirk Cemetery.
--The Almonte Gazette, Almonte, Ontario, December 12, 1993 Page 12
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