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The French Hill Neighbourhood in Saranc Lake, NY
The French Hill was land owned by James McClelland
French Hill is one of the earlier neighbourhoods
in Saranac Lake. It is comprised of east-west streets McClelland, James, Charles,
Prospect, McIntyre, Neil, Olive and Arnold Drive, and north-south streets Hope,
Fairview, William, Virginia and McComb; it covers about forty acres.
James McClelland, a guide for Paul Smith, came to Saranac
Lake from Elizabethtown before 1870. James later purchased 60 acres of land from
Smith, on the hill west of Broadway Street, what was to become the French Hill section
of Saranac Lake . The McClelland family owned the McClelland tract and, when it
was developed, many streets including James, Virginia, Charles, William and Neil,
were named by Mary E. McClelland for members of her family. James Street and McClelland Street, named in memory
of James McClelland, run parallel to each
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