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Death of Clarence Moore
Death of Clarence Moore.
Clarence Moore died this afternoon at one o'clock at the home of his sister at the east end of Twenty-third street after a brief illness of only a week. The disease was peritonitis. He leaves a father and mother, who were with him through his sickness, a brother and two sisters.
The funeral services will be at the Trinity Methodist church, on Sunday, March 18, at 11 o'clock a. m.
Clarence A. Moore was a young man of great promise, barely nineteen years of age, having been born Jan. 1879. For two winters past he has been a pupil at the Up to Date school, and during the present term he had been preparing for examination for the civil service. He was an exceptionally bright and lovable boy and by his gentlemanly bearing and kindly, considerate disposition had the respect and affection of his fellow students and all who came in contact with him. Clarence was an earnest, manly Christian and thus his untimely taking off is not without x ray of consolation. The utmost sympathy of the community will go out to the members of the stricken family. The parents of the young man live at Romeyn, Phelps county.
--The Kearney Daily Hub, Kearney, Nebraska, March 11, 1898 Page 3
Owner of original | The Kearney Daily Hub, Kearney, Nebraska |
Date | 11 Mar 1898 |
File name | clarence.moore.nebraska.jpg |
File Size | 94.21k |
Dimensions | 546 x 1143 |
Linked to | Clarence A. Moore |
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