1716 - 1783 (67 years)
Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1713 | - 25 Feb 1713—31 May 1740: Reign of Frederick William I
King in Prussia
2 | 1714 | - 1 Aug 1714—11 Jun 1727: Reign of George I
King of Great Britain and Ireland
3 | 1727 | - 11 Jun 1727—25 Oct 1760: Reign of George II
King of Great Britain and Ireland
4 | 1740 | - 31 May 1740—17 Aug 1786: Reign of Frederick II
King in Prussia
5 | 1760 | - 25 Oct 1760—29 Jan 1820: Reign of George III
King of Great Britain and Ireland * King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
6 | 1775 | - 19 Apr 1775—3 Sep 1783: American Revolutionary War
The American War of Independence
7 | 1776 | - 4 Jul 1776: American Independence
Independence of thirteen colonies of British American becoming the United States of America.
8 | 1783 | - 1783—1797: United Empire Loyalist Immigration
The United Empire Loyalists were generally those who had been settled in the thirteen colonies at the outbreak of the American Revolution, who remained loyal to and took up the Royal Standard, and who settled in what is now Canada at the end of the war.