m. 9 Mar 1881
Born |
25 Mar 1884 |
London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom  |
Died |
Buried |
Spouse |
Henry William James Cole | F3699 |
Married |
10 Oct 1904 |
Camberwell, London Borough of Southwark, Greater London, England, United Kingdom  |
Born |
1895 |
Camberwell, London Borough of Southwark, Greater London, England, United Kingdom  |
Died |
Buried |
Born |
1900 |
Camberwell, London Borough of Southwark, Greater London, England, United Kingdom  |
Died |
Buried |
Born |
1908 |
Camberwell, London Borough of Southwark, Greater London, England, United Kingdom  |
Died |
Buried |