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Lena (Rhodey) McKay
McKAY, Lena (Rhodey)
In St. Mary's hospital, Kitchener on Friday, October 15, 1999. Lena Peacock of Kitchener and Almonte, age 81 years. Beloved wife of Allan McKay and by first marriage of the late William Rhodey. Dear step-mother of Mrs. Bruce Harmer (Mary) and James Rhodey (Glenna) of Kitchener, George Rhodey (Rita) of Calgary, Alberta, Verdun Rhodey (Mary) of Waterloo, David Rhodey of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Ron McKay (Carol) of Clayton and Ruth (Mrs. Carl Foster) of Almonte. Beloved sister of Mrs. Mel Wark (Muriel) of Clayton, Wilbert of Carp and Nelson (Wilma) of B.C. Predeceased by four sisters; Mrs. Carrie Donaldson, Mrs. Annie McArthur, Mrs. Katie Patterson and Jean Peacock, and one brother; Everett. Friends may call at the C.R. Gamble Funeral Home & Chapel 127 Church Street, Almonte for visiting on Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and where Service will be held in the Chapel on Tuesday at 11 a.m. Interment Auld Kirk Cemetery, Almonte. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Diabetes Association or the charity of ones choice.
--The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, October 18, 1999 Page 54
Owner of original | The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
Date | 18 Oct 1999 |
File name | lena.peacock.rhoday.jpg |
File Size | 92.78k |
Dimensions | 546 x 748 |
Linked to | Lena Peacock |
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