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Thomas Bulloch
Thomas S. Bullock
Funeral service for Thomas S. Bulloch, 82, a pioneer of the Reston district was held in the Carscadden Funeral Home in Virden on Aug 19 with the burial in Reston cemetery with Masonic rites. Mr. Bullock died in Brandon General Hospital Aug 7. He came to this district from Hopetown, Ont. as a boy with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. William Bulloch, and farmed for many years north of the village. In 1905 he married Margaret Ellen Munro who predeceased him in 1950. For the past few years he has resided in Brandon, One brother, Clyde, resides in Reston and there are also five sisters surviving: Mrs. Stewart Campbell, Mrs. E. MeKinley, Mrs. J. MacPherson, Mrs. L. Fumerton and Mrs. H Neil. Mr. Bulloch was a charter member of Reston Masonic Lodge.
--Brandon Sun, Brandon, Manitoba, August 13, 1960 Page 11
Owner of original | The Brandon Sun, Brandon, Manitoba |
Date | 13 Aug 1960 |
File name | 195590268_1738a158-8b12-4108-a28e-6a7c9e305f1a.jpeg |
File Size | 167.75k |
Dimensions | 711 x 1234 |
Linked to | Thomas Stewart Bulloch |
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