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Joan Bush
A spring graveside service for Joan M. Bush, 68, was held in Raymondville Cemetery.
Mrs. Bush died Thursday evening at her home in Norfolk.
Mrs. Bush was a self-employed house cleaner.
She was a member of the Norfolk Wesleyan Church and Norfolk American Legion Auxiliary.
Born July 31, 1938, in Norfolk, daughter of Earl and Marion Ferris Worley, she married Lyle Bush on Feb. 5, 1961. He died before her.
Surviving are a son and his wife, Allen and Darlene; a daughter and her companion, Marion Gardner and Raymond Bluemer; two brothers, James Worley and the Rev. David W. Worley; two sisters and a brother-in-law, Ann Ash and Patricia and Harold Thompson, four grandchildren and five great-granddaughters.
Two brothers, Earl Worley Jr. and Arthur J. Werley, died before her.
--Watertown Daily Times, Watertown, New York, February 10, 2007
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