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Kitchener Grawbarger
Kitchener Grawbarger
POWASSAN The funeral service for a lifelong resident Restoule, Peter James Kitchener Grawbarger, was conducted Tuesday at the Paul Funeral Chapel by Rev. W. E. Milroy of the Nipissing Pastoral Charge-. Mr. Grawbarger, 69, died Saturday at his home following a lengthy illness. Pallbearers were: Robert, Ivan and Ireton Grawbarger, Fred Martin, Basil Towns and Monty Stevens. Interment was at Restoule Cemetery. Mr. Grawbarger, who ho was involved in lumbering and logging all his working days, was born at Restoule May 15, 1902, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Grawbarger. He married Susan Olive McConnell at Powassan 22, 1933. A member er of Restoule Orange Lodge LOL No. 1938, Mr. Grawbarger attended Restoule United Church. Surviving are his wife: four daughters: Mrs. Carl Rich (Edna), Powassan; Mrs. Art Langford (Joy), South River;. Mrs. Douglas White (Norma), Barrie and Mrs. Dick Walters (Fay), Restoule; two brothers: Basil, Powassan, and Thomas, Restoule, and two sisters: Mrs. Chessel Stevens (Mary), Mrs. Howard Martin (Marion), both of Restoule. Mr. Grawbarger was predeceased by a son, Edwin, three children in their infancy and a sister.
--North Bay Nugget, North Bay, Ontario, Canada, February 16, 1972 Page 3
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