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Car-tuck collision claims total of four
Car-truck collision claims total of four
SUDBURY (Special)— Two North Bay district men were among four persons killed early today when the car in which they were passengers was in collision with a four-ton tow truck on Hwy 69 five miles south of here
Dead are: Arthur Levesque, 27, of Cache Bay; Edwin Grawbarger, 29, 15 Pearl St., Sudbury, formerly of Restoule; Frank Thornton, 24, 726 Connaught, Sudbury, formerly of Walford Station; Harold Kuleba, 21, 6 Morrison St., Sudbury, formerly of Whitefish Falls.
OPP officers believe the car attempted to make a left turn as the tow truck approached from the opposite direction.
The accident occurred directly in front of the Brockden Motor Hotel, at about 1 a.m.
The four men were employed at the copper refinery in Copper Cliff end were on their way back from work at the time of the accident.
The Cache Bay resident, Mr. Levesque was married early this year to the former Rolande Savage of Sturgeon Falls. The couple were expecting their first child later this year.
Mr. Levesque commuted to and from Copper Cliff every day.
The fatalities bring to 47 the number of persons who have died in traffic accidents in the Sudbury area this year.
Edwin Grawbarger, 29, who was single, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kitchener Grawbarger of Restoule. He had been employed at the International Nickel Company’s Copper Cliff plant for about a year.
Dr B Hazelwood of Sudbury is coroner.
--North Bay Nugget, North Bay, Ontario, Canada, July 21, 1965 Page 1
Owner of original | North Bay Nugget |
Date | 21 Jul 1965 |
File name | img (277).jpg |
File Size | 272.54k |
Dimensions | 819 x 1698 |
Linked to | Edwin Grawbarger |
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