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C.A. Folden Dies; Rites at Polson
C. A. Folden Dies; Rites At Polson
POLSON -- Clarence A. Folden, 64, died Sunday in the Poolson hospital.
He was born Nov, 21, 1903, in Onawa, Iowa, and married Mildred T. Simmons on Oct. 10, 1923 at Loveland, Towa, The couple moved to Polson in 1932 and had resided there since that time except for three years durin World War II.
Mr. Holden had worked for the Lake County Road Department for 19 years retiring in 1964.
He is survived by his wife; three sons, Delbert of Pablo, LeRoy of Alzalle, Ga., and Norris Folder of Polson; a daughter, Mrs. Arnold Armstrong of Ronan; the brothers, George of Polson and Lawrence Folden of Peshastin, Wash.; a sister, Mrs. Allen Rossman of Spokane and seven grandchildren.
Funeral services for Mr. Folden will be conducted in the Mosley Chapel in Polson at 2 p.m. Wednesday with the Rev. Walter Scherbaum officiating. Interment will be in the Lakeview Cemetery.
--The Daily Inter Lake, Kalispell, Montana, August 20, 1968 Page 2
Owner of original | The Daily Inter Lake, Kalispell, Montana |
Date | 20 Aug 1968 |
File name | CA Folden Dies.jpg |
File Size | 152.04k |
Dimensions | 546 x 1555 |
Linked to | Clarence Albert Folden |
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