Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1701 | - 18 Jan 1701—25 Feb 1713: Reign of Frederick I
King in Prussia
2 | 1709 | - May 1709—Nov 1709: German Palatines Emigration
The German Palatines were some 13,000 early 18th-century emigrants from the Middle Rhine region of the Holy Roman Empire, including a minority from the Palatinate, by which the entire group was known, who sought refuge in England. The English tried to settle them in England, Ireland and the North American colonies to strengthen their position abroad.
3 | 1713 | - 25 Feb 1713—31 May 1740: Reign of Frederick William I
King in Prussia
4 | 1714 | - 1 Aug 1714—11 Jun 1727: Reign of George I
King of Great Britain and Ireland
5 | 1727 | - 11 Jun 1727—25 Oct 1760: Reign of George II
King of Great Britain and Ireland
6 | 1740 | - 31 May 1740—17 Aug 1786: Reign of Frederick II
King in Prussia
7 | 1760 | - 25 Oct 1760—29 Jan 1820: Reign of George III
King of Great Britain and Ireland * King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
8 | 1775 | - 19 Apr 1775—3 Sep 1783: American Revolutionary War
The American War of Independence
9 | 1776 | - 4 Jul 1776: American Independence
Independence of thirteen colonies of British American becoming the United States of America.
10 | 1783 | - 1783—1797: United Empire Loyalist Immigration
The United Empire Loyalists were generally those who had been settled in the thirteen colonies at the outbreak of the American Revolution, who remained loyal to and took up the Royal Standard, and who settled in what is now Canada at the end of the war.
11 | 1786 | - 17 Aug 1786—16 Nov 1797: Reign of Frederick William II
King of Prussia
12 | 1789 | - 30 Apr 1789—4 Mar 1797: Presidency of George Washington
1st President of the USA
- 5 May 1789—9 Nov 1799: French Revolution
The French Revolution refers to the period that began with the Estates General of 1789 and ended in November 1799 with the formation of the French Consulate.
13 | 1797 | - 4 Mar 1797—4 Mar 1801: Presidency of John Adams
2nd President of the USA
- 16 Nov 1797—7 Jun 1840: Reign of Frederick William III
King of Prussia
14 | 1801 | - 1 Jan 1801: Act of Union
Uniting the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland, creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
- 4 Mar 1801—4 Mar 1809: Presidency of Thomas Jefferson
3rd President of the USA
15 | 1809 | - 4 Mar 1809—4 Mar 1817: Presidency of James Madison
4th President of the USA
16 | 1812 | - 18 Jun 1812—18 Feb 1815: War of 1812
War of 1812
17 | 1817 | - 4 Mar 1817—4 Mar 1825: Presidency of James Monroe
5th President of the USA
18 | 1820 | - 29 Jan 1820—26 Jun 1830: Reign of George IV
King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
19 | 1825 | - 4 Mar 1825—4 Mar 1829: Presidency of John Quincy Adams
6th President of the USA
20 | 1829 | - 4 Mar 1829—4 Mar 1837: Presidency of Andrew Jackson
7th President of the USA
21 | 1830 | - 26 Jun 1830—20 Jun 1837: Reign of William IV
King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
22 | 1837 | - 4 Mar 1837—4 Mar 1841: Presidency of Martin Van Buren
8th President of the USA
- 20 Jun 1837—20 Jan 1901: Reign of Victoria
Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland * Empress of India
23 | 1840 | - 7 Jun 1840—2 Jan 1861: Reign of Frederick William IV
King of Prussia
24 | 1841 | - 4 Mar 1841—4 Apr 1841: Presidency of William Henry Harrison
9th President of the USA
- 4 Apr 1841—4 Mar 1845: Presidency of John Tyler
10th President of the USA
25 | 1845 | - 1845—1852: Irish Potato Famine
The Great Famine, also known as the Great Hunger, the Great Starvation, the Famine (mostly within Ireland) or the Irish Potato Famine (mostly outside Ireland), was a period of mass starvation and disease in Ireland, with the most severely affected areas in the west and south of Ireland, where the Irish language was dominant. During the Great Hunger, about 1 million people died and more than a million fled the country, causing the country's population to fall by 20%–25%.
- 4 Mar 1845—4 Mar 1849: Presidency of James K. Polk
11th President of the USA
26 | 1849 | - 4 Mar 1849—9 Jul 1850: Presidency of Zachary Taylor
12th President of the USA
27 | 1850 | - 9 Jul 1850—4 Mar 1853: Presidency of Millard Fillmore
13th President of the USA
28 | 1853 | - 4 Mar 1853—4 Mar 1857: Presidency of Franklin Pierce
14th President of the USA
29 | 1857 | - 4 Mar 1857—4 Mar 1861: Presidency of James Buchanan
15th President of the USA
30 | 1861 | - 4 Mar 1861—15 Apr 1865: Presidency of Abraham Lincoln
16th President of the USA
- 12 Apr 1861—9 Apr 1865: American Civil War
Civil war in the United States fought between northern states loyal to the Union and southern states that had seceded to form the Confederate States of America.
31 | 1865 | - 15 Apr 1865—4 Mar 1869: Presidency of Andew Johnson
17th President of the USA
32 | 1867 | - 1 Jul 1867: Canadian Confederation
The Confederation of the Dominion of Canada was the process by which the British colonies of the Province of Canada (Ontario & Quebec), Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick were united into one federation.
33 | 1869 | - 4 Mar 1869—4 Mar 1877: Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant
18th President of the USA
- 16 Oct 1869—10 Feb 1870: Red River Resistance
The Red River Rebellion, also known as the Red River Resistance, Red River uprising, or First Riel Rebellion, was the sequence of events that led to the establishment of a provisional government by the Métis at the Red River Colony, in what was the early stages of establishing the Canadian province of Manitoba.
34 | 1871 | - 18 Jan 1871—9 Mar 1888: Reign of Wilhelm I
King of Prussia * German Emperor
35 | 1877 | - 4 Mar 1877—4 Mar 1881: Presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes
19th President of the USA
36 | 1881 | - 4 Mar 1881—19 Sep 1881: Presidency of James A. Garfield
20th President of the USA
- 19 Sep 1881—4 Mar 1885: Presidency of Chester A. Arthur
21st President of the USA
37 | 1885 | - 4 Mar 1885—4 Mar 1889: Presidency of Grover Cleveland
22nd President of the USA
- 26 Mar 1885—12 May 1885: North-West Resistance
The North-West Resistance or Rebellion, was a rebellion by the Métis people and associated First Nations of the District of Saskatchewan against the Canadian government.
38 | 1888 | - 15 Jan 1888—9 Nov 1918: Reign of Wilhelm II
King of Prussia * German Emperor
- 9 Mar 1888—15 Jan 1888: Reign of Frederick III
King of Prussia * German Emperor
39 | 1889 | - 4 Mar 1889—4 Mar 1893: Presidency of Benjamin Harrison
23rd President of the USA
40 | 1893 | - 4 Mar 1893—4 Mar 1897: Presidency of Grover Cleveland
24th President of the USA
41 | 1896 | - 1896—1899: Klondike Gold Rush
Gold was discovered on Bonanza Creek, a tributary of the Klondike River in Yukon, Canada. During the Klondike Gold Rush from 1897 to 1899 at least 100,000 people stampeded to the gold fields.
42 | 1897 | - 4 Mar 1897—14 Sep 1901: Presidency of William McKinley
25th President of the USA
43 | 1901 | - 1 Jan 1901: Federation of Australia
The Federation of the Commonwealth of Australia.
The process by which six separate British self-governing colonies (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia) agreed to unite and form the Commonwealth of Australia, establishing a system of federalism in Australia.
- 22 Jan 1901—6 May 1910: Reign of Edward VII
King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Emperor of India
- 14 Sep 1901—4 Mar 1909: Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt
26th President of the USA
44 | 1907 | - 26 Sep 1907: Dominion of New Zealand
The Dominion of New Zealand was formed when it was chosen not to take part in the Federation of Australia.
45 | 1909 | - 4 Mar 1909—4 Mar 1913: Presidency of William Howard Taft
27th President of the USA
46 | 1910 | - 6 May 1910—20 Jan 1936: Reign of George V
King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India
- 31 May 1910—31 May 1961: Union of South Africa
The Union of South Africa came into being with the unification of the Cape Colony, the Natal Colony, the Transvaal, and the Orange River Colony. It included the territories that were formerly a part of the South African Republic (1852 to 1902) and the Orange Free State (1854-1902).
47 | 1913 | - 4 Mar 1913—4 Mar 1921: Presidency of Woodrow Wilson
28th President of the USA
48 | 1914 | - 28 Jul 1914—11 Nov 1918: World War I
WWI also known as the Great War
49 | 1916 | - 24 Apr 1916: Easter Rising
An armed insurrection in Ireland during Easter Week in April 1916. The Rising was launched by Irish republicans against British rule in Ireland with the aim of establishing an independent Irish Republic
50 | 1917 | - 8 Mar 1917—16 Jun 1923: Russian Revolution
The Russian Revolution was a period of political and social revolution across the territory of the Russian Empire, commencing with the abolition of the monarchy in 1917 and concluding in 1922 with the Bolshevik establishment of the Soviet Union at the end of the Civil War.
51 | 1918 | - Feb 1918—Apr 1920: Spanish Flu
The Spanish flu, also known as the 1918 influenza pandemic, was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, infecting 500 million people – about a third of the world's population at the time – in four successive waves. The death toll is typically estimated to have been somewhere between 20 million and 50 million, making it one of the most deadliest pandemics in world history.
- 9 Nov 1918: Monarchy of Germany Abolished
Wilhelm II, the last German Emperor and King of Prussia, abdicated and went into exile in the Netherlands upon Germany's defeat in World War I in 1918.
52 | 1919 | - 21 Jan 1919—11 Jul 1921: Irish War of Independence
The Irish War of Independence or Anglo-Irish War was a guerrilla war fought in Ireland from 1919 to 1921 between the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and British forces. As a result, in April 1921 the island was partitioned into Southern and Northern Ireland.
53 | 1921 | - 4 Mar 1921—2 Aug 1923: Presidency of Warren G. Harding
29th President of the USA
- 3 May 1921: Partition of Ireland
The partition of Ireland was the process by which the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland divided Ireland into two self-governing polities: Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland. The Government of Ireland Act 1920, intended for both home rule territories to remain within the United Kingdom and contained provisions for their eventual reunification. Following the Anglo-Irish Treaty, the territory of Southern Ireland left the UK and became the Irish Free State, now the Republic of Ireland.
54 | 1923 | - 2 Aug 1923—4 Mar 1929: Presidency of Calvin Coolidge
30th President of the USA
55 | 1927 | - 12 Apr 1927: Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act 1927
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland continued in name until 1927 when it was renamed the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
56 | 1929 | - 4 Mar 1929—4 Mar 1933: Presidency of Herbert Hoover
31st President of the USA
- 24 Oct 1929: Stock Market Crash
The collapse of the American stock market begins the Great Depression, which ravages the economy during the “Dirty Thirties.”
57 | 1933 | - 4 Mar 1933—12 Apr 1945: Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt
32nd President of the USA
58 | 1936 | - 20 Jan 1936—11 Dec 1936: Reign of Edward VIII
King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Empire, and Emperor of India
- 17 Jul 1936—1 Apr 1939: Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War was republicans and left-leaning government of the Second Spanish Republic against a revolt by the Nationalists, monarchists, conservatives and traditionalists.
- 11 Dec 1936—6 Feb 1952: Reign of George VI
King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Emperor of India
59 | 1939 | - 1939—1945: World War II
60 | 1945 | - 12 Apr 1945—20 Jun 1953: Presidency of Harry S. Truman
33rd President of the USA
61 | 1950 | - 25 Jun 1950—27 Jul 1953: Korean War
The Korean War was between North Korea (with the support of China and the Soviet Union) and South Korea (with the support of the United Nations, principally from the United States). The war began when North Korea invaded South Korea following clashes along the border and insurrections in the south. The war ended unofficially in an armistice.
62 | 1952 | - 6 Feb 1952—8 Sep 2022: Reign of Elizabeth II
Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other realms and territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith
63 | 1953 | - 20 Jun 1953—20 Jan 1961: Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th President of the USA
64 | 1955 | - 1 Nov 1955—30 Apr 1975: Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, officially fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and other communist allies; South Vietnam was supported by the United States, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, Thailand, and other anti-communist allies. It included the Laotian Civil War and the Cambodian Civil War, which ended with all three countries becoming communist in 1975.
65 | 1961 | - 20 Jan 1961—20 Nov 1963: Presidency of John F. Kennedy
35th President of the USA
- 31 May 1961: Republic of South Africa
South Africa became a republic following a referendum (only open to white voters) which narrowly passed; the British-dominated Natal province largely voted against the proposal.
- 13 Aug 1961—9 Nov 1989: Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was a guarded concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin in Germany. Construction of the wall was commenced by the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany) and cut off West Berlin from surrounding East Germany, including East Berlin.
66 | 1963 | - 22 Nov 1963—20 Jan 1969: Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson
36th President of the USA
67 | 1968 | - 1968—1998: The Troubles of Northern Ireland
The Troubles was an ethno-nationalist period of conflict that lasted about 30 years, beginning in the late 1960s and is usually deemed to have ended with the Good Friday Agreement of 1998. Although the Troubles mostly took place in Northern Ireland, at times the violence spilled over into parts of the Republic of Ireland, England, and mainland Europe.
68 | 1969 | - 20 Jan 1969—9 Aug 1974: Presidency of Richard Nixon
37th President of the USA
69 | 1974 | - 9 Aug 1974—20 Jan 1977: Presidency of Gerald Ford
38th President of the USA
70 | 1977 | - 20 Jan 1977—20 Jan 1981: Presidency of Jimmy Carter
39th President of the USA
71 | 1981 | - 20 Jan 1981—20 Jan 1989: Presidency of Ronald Reagan
40th President of the USA
72 | 1989 | - 20 Jan 1989—20 Jan 1993: Presidency of George H. W. Bush
41st President of the USA
73 | 1993 | - 20 Jan 1993—20 Jan 2001: Presidency of Bill Clinton
42nd President of the USA
74 | 2001 | - 20 Jan 2001—20 Jan 2009: Presidency of George W. Bush
43rd President of the USA
75 | 2009 | - 20 Jan 2009—20 Jan 2017: Presidency of Barack Obama
44th President of the USA
76 | 2017 | - 20 Jan 2017—20 Jan 2021: Presidency of Donald Trump
45th President of the USA
77 | 2021 | - 20 Jan 2021: Presidency of Joe Biden
46th President of the USA
78 | 2022 | - 8 Sep 2022: Reign of Charles III
Charles III, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of his other realms and territories King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith